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The Slithering Dead is an engaging side quest in Path of Exile 2 where Servi, the local guide at the Ziggurat Encampment, recruits players to unravel the mysteries of a rival tribe and the fate of her son, Apus. While the quest itself is relatively straightforward once you know where to go, the real challenge lies in choosing the right reward from the three options Servi offers. Remember, your choice is permanent and cannot be undone.
The Slithering Dead Quest Walkthrough (Step-by-Step)
To embark on The Slithering Dead, navigate to the Jungle Ruins map in Act 3 (and Act 3 Cruel) and locate the entrance to the Venom Crypts, which is conveniently situated near the Jungle Ruins Waypoint.
The Jungle Ruins map features two exits: the Venom Crypts and the Infested Barrens. The latter advances the main questline, Legacy of the Vaal, while the Venom Crypts are optional and can be revisited even after entering the endgame if initially missed.
Upon entering the Venom Crypts, explore thoroughly until you encounter a Corpse in the Den of the Serpent Priestess. The location of this area is randomized, typical of PoE 2's map design, but it's always distant from the entrance.
Interact with the Corpse to automatically collect the Corpse-Snake Venom. Then, teleport back to the Ziggurat Encampment and deliver the Venom to Servi to successfully complete The Slithering Dead.
Which Venom Draught Quest Reward Should You Choose in The Slithering Dead in PoE 2
As a repeat quest, The Slithering Dead appears in both Act 3 and Act 3 Cruel, each time presenting different rewards. Here's a detailed look at the choices:
Slithering Dead Reward Choice in Act 3
After some dialogue, Servi will prompt you to select one of three quest rewards. Choose wisely, as your decision is irreversible. The rewards are:
Venom Draught of Stone: Grants 25% increased Stun Threshold. This option is less appealing as it only protects against the Stunned status effect, which is less common compared to other ailments. However, it might be beneficial for certain Warrior builds that struggle with Stun.
Venom Draught of the Veil: Grants 30% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold. This is a strong choice for classes like Witch and Sorceress, who typically don't face mana issues. It reduces the likelihood of suffering from Bleed, Poison, Chill, Freeze, Ignite, Electrocute, or Shock.
Venom Draught of Clarity: Grants 25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate. This is the safest and most universally useful choice, particularly for melee characters like Monks and Warriors who often need more mana regeneration during critical moments.
Slithering Dead Reward Choice in Act 3 Cruel (Act 6)
In Act 3 Cruel, you'll again face three different Venom Draughts to choose from:
Venom Draught of the Lost: Grants +10% to Chaos Resistance. This is the top choice for most builds due to the rarity of Chaos Resistance on gear. It's a valuable boost that's hard to come by.
Venom Draught of the Sky: Grants +5 to All Attributes. This is a good alternative for builds utilizing the Chaos Inoculation (CI) Node, which makes characters immune to Chaos damage but reduces their HP to 1. It's beneficial when paired with Eternal Youth for Energy Shield builds.
Venom Draught of the Marshes: Grants 15% Reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on you. While useful, it's generally less impactful compared to the other two options in most scenarios.