A minimalist non-field RPG: Escape the cursed forest!
Prologue: You're the village's best hunter, heading to a national hunting tournament near the royal capital. Upon waking after your first night camping, you discover a disturbing scene: the campsite, once bustling with hunters, is deserted. National guards, responsible for the tournament, are nowhere to be found. Your attempts to return to the starting point lead you back to the same spot, highlighting the unsettling nature of the cursed forest.
The Elven Curse: Aided by Foria, a cryptic quarter-elf, you must escape this cursed forest. Gameplay is streamlined with a maximum of three button presses outside the main menu.
Character Creation: While character customization is limited, you can reroll stats freely. Status increases upon leveling are only viewable on the creation screen. A return item in-game. With less than two "talismans," death is permanent.
Foria, the Peddler Quarter-Elf: A seemingly young quarter-elf who secretly assists your escape using the forest's ancient spirits.
Game World and Narrative: The prologue unfolds like a picture story, with Foria's dialogue adding a cheerful contrast to the ominous setting. The game's worldview is conveyed through subtle and evocative language.
Exploration: Progress through the forest by exploring unexplored areas. Exploration success depends on "fog depth," influenced by your character's stats. If your life force is depleted, use poison or rare "talismans" to recover, or return to Foria.
Beast Encounters & Hunter Battles: Fierce creatures, from wolves to even frogs and rabbits, inhabit the forest. Defeating them yields hides for trading with Foria. Unlike typical RPGs, combat isn't for leveling up; it's a means of survival. Battles are avoidable, requiring either luck or strategic play. As a hunter, you use a bow and arrow, maintaining distance for attacks. Closing the gap risks a one-sided attack. Choose between "withdrawal" (a chance-based escape) or using a "flash" ball provided by Foria for a guaranteed escape. Wound medicine can restore life force at a distance.
Cloak System: Craft cloaks from gathered materials (branches, resin, leather) to enhance abilities. Up to three layers can be worn, stacking their ability boosts. Note: The top layer can be damaged and become unusable. The bow and arrow remain unchanged.
Game Features: This game emphasizes strategic choices, reflexes, skill, and luck. Collect materials for crafting and alchemy. Thorough preparation before each stage is crucial. It's a relaxing game allowing for progress even with casual play.
Auto-Save: The game auto-saves, but not during battles. Save your progress manually in the base menu before closing the app.
Version History:
- v1.2: Fixed a bug causing unintended transitions to the character creation mode.
- v1.1: Corrected typos in scenario text.
- v1.0: Minor bug fixes, some message changes, and added credits.
- v0.1: Test release.