興味をそそるNPCに遭遇することは、 王国の到来の特徴です:deliverance 2 の旅。彼らとやり取りすることはしばしばやりがいがあることを証明します。このガイドは、Riddler Barleyのすべての謎の解決策を提供します。
- キングダムのすべてのリドラー大麦の回答が出産2
- リドラー大麦を見つける方法
Question | Answer |
What belongs to you alone, but is used more often by others? | My name. |
Once upon a time there was a fool of a farmer. Family he had none, no stable boys either, so he talked to his animals instead. And, good man that he was, whenever he made a groschen or two, he shared it with them according to his own rules. Every hen in the coop was paid five groschen, every bee in the hive 15, and the spider in the loft bagged a full 20 groschen. And now you tell me, how much did the cat get? | 10 groschen. |
Jaromir the coachman hailed from Raborsch. One morning, he set off for Kuttenberg with an empty coach. Three lads boarded in Bohunowitz. When arrived in Bojischt, one of the boys got out and a washerwoman took his place. In Horschan, the washerwoman went on her way and a pedlar and his daughter boarded. In Pschitoky, the remaining lads alighted and took the pedlar’s daughter with them. And straightaway, two fishermen got in. And on reaching Kuttenberg that evening, they invited the coachman to the bathhouse and got pig-drunk. And now you tell me, what was the coachman’s name? | Jaromir. |
A baliff has 12 men join up for service one day. The baliff was glad, but soon discovered that he didn’t have enough gear for them in the armoury. So those 12 men filed onto the square for the next morning’s roll call. Six of them were wearing body armour, four had helmets. Only three of them wore both a helmet and body armour. Now, tell me, how many men were unlucky enough not to have either a helmet or armour? | Five. |
2番目のなぞなぞから、BarleyはGroschen Wagerを提案します(100から、Riddles 3と4で150に増加します)。正解は選択肢を提供します:賭けを受け入れるか、スキルエクスペリエンスを獲得します。ヘンリーの進捗状況に応じて、特にサイコロゲームに勝った後、スキルエクスペリエンスはお金よりも有利かもしれません。
Riddlesのソリューションは比較的簡単です。2番目のソリューションには、動物の脚数が含まれます。 3番目はメモリテストです。 4番目には、単純な算術が必要です。
Riddler Barleyの登場は予測不可能です。彼は、速い旅行や開かれた世界を探索しているときに遭遇するかもしれません。相互作用を求めるNPCを探します。謎の交換を開始するために会話を開始します。
これは、 王国のcome:deliverance 2 のリドラー大麦のなぞなぞのガイドを締めくくります。キャサリンのロマンスストーリーラインを含む、さらなるゲームのヒントと情報については、逃亡者に相談してください。