So, you’ve heard whispers that *Rune Slayer* boasts a surprisingly robust MMORPG feature: fishing. Yes, really! While not immediately obvious, mastering the art of Rune Slayer fishing is achievable. This guide will walk you through the process, revealing the secrets we uncovered along the way.
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Your fishing journey begins with Simon the Fisherman, a white-haired NPC found near the pier where Barracuda swim. He'll task you with catching five "fish"—a quest that unlocks the secrets of Rune Slayer's aquatic pursuits. The catch? You'll need a fishing rod and bait.

Conveniently, Simon sells exactly what you need: a Wood Fishing Rod and Worms. While five worms are sufficient, stocking up on ten is a wise precaution. Crucially, you don't equip the bait; simply having it in your inventory (ideally your hotbar for easy access) is key. Each successful catch (or even a "catch" of junk) consumes one worm. A minimum of five worms seems necessary to initiate successful fishing.
How to catch fish in Rune Slayer

Select your Wood Fishing Rod (no equipping needed; just have it in your hotbar). Cast your line (hold M1) into the water near Simon. Watch the bobber; when it ripples (once or twice), click M1 again to reel in your catch. While not every cast yields a fish, even junk items count towards your quest objective. Once you've reeled in five items, return to Simon to complete the quest and receive a Tackle Box to store future bait.

Congratulations! You've completed the fishing quest. The Tackle Box keeps your worms safe and organized, freeing up valuable inventory space. For further assistance, consult our Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to *Rune Slayer*.