Get ready to capture some of the most exciting and smallest Pokémon during the Small Yet Strong event in Pokémon Go. Scheduled from February 5th to 8th, this event is packed with bonuses, wild encounters, and fresh opportunities to enhance your Pokémon collection. It's also an excellent chance to strengthen your team for the upcoming Pokémon Go Tour – Unova.
During the Small Yet Strong event, you'll earn double XP for every Pokémon you catch and have a higher chance of encountering XXS and XXL Pokémon in the wild. One of the highlights is the debut of Shiny Nymble, adding a new shiny variant to your Pokédex.
Before you dive into the event, don't forget to check out the latest Pokémon Go codes for additional benefits!
Keep an eye out for regional variations of Flabébé, including the Red Flower in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, the Blue Flower in the Asia-Pacific region, and the Yellow Flower in the Americas. Lucky players might even encounter White or Orange Flower Flabébé, regardless of their location.
Other Pokémon that will appear more frequently in the wild include Paras, Natu, Joltik, and various forms of Burmy. For a more challenging experience, you'll find Dialga and Enamorus (Incarnate Forme) in Five-Star Raids, with Mega Medicham and Mega Tyranitar featured in Mega Raids. Both raid and wild encounters present opportunities to catch rare Shiny Pokémon if fortune favors you.
For collectors, two km Eggs hatched during the event will contain Pokémon like Togepi, Azurill, Budew, and Dedenne. Completing Field Research tasks will reward you with encounters with Burmy and Nymble. Make sure not to miss the event-themed Timed Research and Collection Challenge, which offer rewards such as Stardust, Poké Balls, and more encounters with event-themed Pokémon.
To round off the event, PokéStop Showcases will feature event-themed Pokémon, so keep an eye out. And don't forget to visit the Pokémon Go Web Store to stock up on all the resources you need to kickstart your journey.