Home News How To Kill All Mobs in Minecraft

How To Kill All Mobs in Minecraft

Author : Skylar Mar 21,2025

There are many reasons why you might want to eliminate mobs in Minecraft. The easiest method is using commands, specifically the /kill command. However, even this seemingly simple command has some nuances. Let's explore how to effectively use it to target and remove mobs.

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Before using the /kill command, ensure your world has cheats enabled. If you're unsure how to enable cheats, skip ahead to the next section.

The basic /kill command is straightforward: type /kill into the chat box. However, this will kill *you*, not the mobs. To target mobs, you need to add some syntax.

To kill all mobs, use this command:

/kill @e[type=!minecraft:player] – This targets all entities (@e) except players (type=!minecraft:player).

You can also target specific mob types. For example, to kill all chickens:

/kill @e[type=minecraft:chicken]

You can even specify a distance. To kill all mobs within 15 blocks:

/kill @e[distance=..15] – Java Edition

/kill @e[r=10] – Bedrock Edition

To kill a specific mob type within a certain distance:

/kill @e[distance=..15,type=minecraft:sheep] – Java Edition

/kill @e[r=10,type=minecraft:sheep] – Bedrock Edition

Both editions offer command autocompletion, so you don't need to memorize these exactly. The /kill command is relatively user-friendly; you'll likely master it after a couple of tries.

Beyond @e, other selectors target different entities:

  • @p – Nearest player
  • @r – Random player
  • @a – All players
  • @e – All entities
  • @s – Yourself

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How to Turn On Cheats/Commands in Minecraft

The mob-killing commands won't work without cheats enabled. Here's how to enable them:

Java Edition

Minecrafr Open to Lan Screen  Java Edition In your world, press Esc, select "Open to LAN," and toggle "Allow Commands" to "On." Commands will then work, but you'll need to repeat this each time you open the world. For permanent cheats, create a world copy with cheats enabled. To do this, go to the Singleplayer menu, select your world, click "Re-create," and enable "Allow Commands" before creating the copy.

Bedrock Edition

Minecraft Cheats Screen Bedrock edition as part of an article about how to kill mobs. In the world selection menu, click the pencil icon next to your world. In the settings menu, toggle "Cheats" to "On." That's all there is to it.

Minecraft is available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices.