Home News Girl's Boarding School Murder Mystery: Expelled!

Girl's Boarding School Murder Mystery: Expelled!

Author : Alexander Mar 14,2025

Inkling, the creators of the acclaimed Overboard, unleash their latest interactive fiction masterpiece: Expelled! Step into the shoes of Verity Amersham, a seemingly innocent schoolgirl wrongly accused (or is she?) of attempted murder at the prestigious (and slightly ominous) Miss Mulligatawney's School for Promising Girls in 1922.

Why send your child to boarding school? Besides the peer pressure, loneliness, and inherent snobbery, there's also the distinct possibility of someone getting tossed out a window! While not typical, it's certainly the reality in Expelled!

In this thrilling narrative, you have one school day to clear your name—by any means necessary. Characters act independently, creating a race against time. Will you uncover the true culprit, frame a classmate, or unleash your inner hockey-stick-wielding vigilante? The choice, and the consequences, are entirely yours.

Expelled! Gameplay Screenshot

An Inkling of Excitement

Recommending Expelled! is easy. Inkling's track record speaks for itself, with the critically acclaimed 80 Days and the deliciously wicked Overboard! under their belt. While Verity might appear less villainous than Overboard's protagonist, Expelled! offers a similar level of strategic choice and satisfyingly unpredictable outcomes. Play it straight, frame someone else, or embrace your inner teenage Punisher – the path to acquittal is yours to forge. And remember, appearances can be deceiving… are you truly as innocent as you seem?

Discover the truth for yourself in Expelled!

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