Home News How to Feed Villagers in Necesse

How to Feed Villagers in Necesse

Author : Riley Feb 21,2025

How to Feed Villagers in Necesse

In Necesse, ensuring your villagers are fed is crucial for their survival. This guide explains how to efficiently manage their food supply.

Feeding Your Villagers

The core mechanic is simple: place food in chests designated as settlement storage. Villagers assigned to that storage will automatically retrieve and consume food when hungry.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Craft a chest: Create a chest using your crafting menu.
  2. Fill with food: Place food items inside the chest.
  3. Assign storage: Open the settlement menu (usually accessible via a UI element near the top right). Select the chest and designate it as settlement storage. Assign your villagers to this storage.

That's the basic method. For a more automated approach:

  1. Establish a cooking area: Designate a section of your settlement for cooking.
  2. Place chests: Position chests within the cooking area as dedicated storage.
  3. Assign cooking tasks: In the settlement menu, assign villagers to cooking jobs. They will automatically use ingredients to cook and replenish the storage chests.

Optimal Food Choices

Gourmet-tier foods are most efficient. Early in the game, the Blueberry Cake recipe offers a cost-effective solution.

This covers the essentials of villager feeding in Necesse. For more gaming tips and guides, check out The Escapist.