Verschlossenheit des AMR MOD 4: Ein umfassender Leitfaden für Camos und Anhänge in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 und Warzone
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 und Warzone Staffel 1 stellt das AMR Mod 4 Scharfschützengewehr mit einer Reihe von Camos und Anhängen zum Freischalten vor. In dieser Anleitung wird beschrieben, wie Sie jeden Camo und Anhang für den AMR Mod 4 erwerben.
Der AMR MOD 4 verfügt über eine vielfältige Camo -Auswahl für Mehrspielermodi, Zombies und Warzone. Das Entsperren erfordert das Erfüllen spezifischer Herausforderungen.
Multiplayer Camos
Camo Type | Camo Name | Unlock Requirement |
Military Camos | Granite | 5 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 |
Woodland | 10 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Savanna | 15 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Splinter | 20 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Moss | 30 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Saboteur | 40 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Digital | 50 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Tide | 75 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Red Tiger | 100 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Special Camos | Shadow Thorn | Unlock all Military Camos in Multiplayer; 30 one-shot kills |
Tidal Harmony | Unlock all Military Camos in Multiplayer; 10 two-kill streaks without reloading | |
Mastery Camos | Gold | Unlock all Multiplayer Special Camos; 10 double kills |
Diamond | Unlock Gold; Unlock Gold on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 10 three-kill streaks without dying | |
Dark Spine | Unlock Diamond; Unlock Diamond on 3 other weapons; 3 triple kills | |
Dark Matter | Unlock Dark Spine; Unlock Dark Spine on 3 other weapons; 3 five-kill streaks without dying |
Zombies Camos
Camo Type | Camo Name | Unlock Requirement |
Military Camos | Slate | 100 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 |
Desert | 200 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Evergreen | 300 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Rugged | 400 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Grim | 600 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Stripe | 800 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Oceanic | 1000 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Whiteout | 1500 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Purple Tiger | 2000 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Special Camos | Scarthorn | Unlock all Military Camos in Zombies; 15 five-kill streaks |
Marine Swirl | Unlock all Military Camos in Zombies; 15 ten-kill streaks without reloading | |
Mastery Camos | Mystic Gold | Unlock both Special Camos; 15 ten-kill streaks |
Opal | Unlock Mystic Gold; Unlock Mystic Gold on 2 other Sniper Rifles; 30 Special Zombie kills | |
Afterlife | Unlock Opal; Unlock Opal on 3 other weapons; 10 twenty-kill streaks without taking damage | |
Nebula | Unlock Afterlife; Unlock Afterlife on 3 other weapons; 10 Elite Zombie eliminations |
Warzone Camos
Camo Type | Camo Name | Unlock Requirement |
Military Camos | Quartz | 5 kills with the AMR Mod 4 |
Tundra | 10 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Canyon | 15 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Pine | 20 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Undergrowth | 30 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Snakeskin | 40 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Siberia | 50 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Smolder | 75 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Blue Tiger | 100 kills with the AMR Mod 4 | |
Special Camos | Bramblethorn | Unlock all Military Camos in Warzone; 5 two-kill streaks within 30 seconds |
Sunlit Shoal | Unlock all Military Camos in Warzone; 5 two-kill streaks while prone within 20 seconds | |
Mastery Camos | Gold Tiger | Unlock both Special Camos; 5 eliminations as Most Wanted |
King's Ransom | Unlock Gold Tiger; Unlock Gold Tiger on 3 other Sniper Rifles; 5 three-kill streaks without dying | |
Catalyst | Unlock King's Ransom; Unlock King's Ransom on 3 other weapons; 5 kills with Stun/Flash/Shock Charge affected Operators | |
Abyss | Unlock Catalyst; Unlock Catalyst on 3 other weapons; 2 five-kill streaks without dying |
Alle AMR MOD 4 Anhänge
Der AMR MOD 4 bietet umfangreiche Anpassungen über Anhänge, die hauptsächlich durch Nivellierung der Waffe entsperrt werden. Einige gemeinsame optische Anhänge sind an den Fortschritt anderer Waffen gebunden.
** (detaillierte Tabellen für Optik, Mundgeräte, Fässer, Stockpads, Magazine, hintere Griffe, Kämme, Laser und Feuermods würden hier folgen, die das Format der oben genannten Camo -Tabellen widerspiegeln. Aufgrund der Länge und der Wiederholung dieser Daten, diese Daten, spiegeln sich. Es wird für die Kürze weggelassen.
Dieser umfassende Leitfaden liefert alle erforderlichen Informationen, um den AMR MOD 4 in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 und Warzone zu beherrschen. Viel Glück, um alle Camos und Anhänge freizuschalten!