Embark on an epic adventure in WANTED: Dragon, a captivating game where power and revenge intertwine. Play as Chrysandra, the ambitious Princess of Novaria, determined to reclaim her rightful throne. She seeks to harness the power of a mighty dragon to conquer or destroy her kingdom. However, a heroic mage stands in her path. Outwit your enemies using strategy and cunning as you guide Chrysandra toward ultimate victory or devastating defeat. The choice is yours.
WANTED: Dragon Key Features:
- A gripping narrative: Follow Chrysandra's quest for revenge and power as she seeks a fearsome dragon ally.
- Strategic gameplay: Employ cunning tactics to overcome challenges and outsmart a determined mage.
- Immersive experience: Enjoy engaging gameplay, challenging quests, intricate puzzles, and thrilling adventures.
- Powerful dragon companions: Forge a bond with your dragon, using its abilities to vanquish foes and unleash devastating attacks.
- Rich world: Explore the beautiful kingdom of Novaria, filled with diverse landscapes, memorable characters, and captivating lore.
- Choose your destiny: Your choices shape Chrysandra's fate – will she become a tyrannical ruler or a force for good?
In short, WANTED: Dragon offers a compelling strategic experience set within a captivating world of adventure, magic, and suspense. Join Chrysandra's quest for power and discover her destiny. Download now and begin your unforgettable journey!