Dive into the captivating world of Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure, a new cyberpunk 3D turn-based RPG now available on Android! Drawing heavy inspiration from Nekopara, this game features adorable anime cat girls who transform between feline and human forms, offering a blend of action, mystery, and heartwarming character interactions.
Your Role in Cat Fantasy:
As an Inspector leading a squad of anime cat girls, you'll embark on thrilling adventures to solve mysteries and prevent the world's imminent destruction. The high stakes are matched only by the undeniable cuteness of your companions! Utilize the unique "Pathos Particles" to shift your cat girls between forms, and forge deep bonds with them through private scenes revealing their backstories and personalities.
Strategic Turn-Based Combat:
Engage in strategic turn-based battles enhanced by a dynamic card fusion system. Combine skill cards to unleash powerful effects and carefully plan your characters' moves, choosing from a range of options including counter-attacks, curse magic, and follow-up attacks.
A Nekopara Collaboration:
For a limited time following launch, join Chocola, Cacao, and Vanilla from Nekopara as they make a charming appearance in Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure, sporting adorable summer swimsuits! This special event offers exclusive storylines and unique moments you won't want to miss.
Launch Celebration:
Celebrate the launch with Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure by receiving up to 1,000 free summons simply by logging in and participating in in-game events! Download the game for free on the Google Play Store from publisher Elex and experience the adventure today.
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