IO Interactive Unveils Project 007: A Young Bond Trilogy
IO Interactive, renowned for the Hitman series, is embarking on an ambitious project: a James Bond origin story trilogy, currently titled Project 007. This isn't just a single game; CEO Hakan Abrak envisions a multi-title saga, introducing a younger Bond to a new generation of gamers.
A Fresh Take on 007
Announced in November 2020, Project 007 has generated considerable excitement. Abrak, in an October 2023 interview with IGN, confirmed the game is progressing exceptionally well and will feature a previously unseen, pre-007 Bond. He emphasized the project's originality: "What’s that we actually got to do an original story," creating a Bond players can connect with and watch grow.
Building on Hitman's Legacy
IO Interactive's expertise in stealth and immersive gameplay, honed over two decades with the Hitman franchise, will undoubtedly inform Project 007. However, adapting a globally recognized IP like James Bond presents unique challenges. Abrak acknowledged this, stating that while aiming to craft a defining Bond gaming experience, the goal is to create a "universe for gamers to own for many years to come."
Project 007: What We Know So Far
The game's story will be entirely original, a first-time James Bond origin narrative allowing players to experience his journey to becoming 007. While unconnected to any film portrayals, Abrak hinted to Edge Magazine in 2023 that the tone will lean closer to Daniel Craig’s Bond than Roger Moore’s.
Gameplay specifics remain scarce, though Abrak suggested a more structured experience compared to Hitman's open-ended nature, describing it as "the ultimate spycraft fantasy." Job listings hinted at "sandbox storytelling" and advanced AI, suggesting a dynamic mission approach. The game is expected to be a third-person action title.
Awaiting the Release
While a release date remains unannounced, the anticipation is palpable. Abrak’s enthusiasm is evident, hinting at exciting revelations to come. The prospect of a new Bond trilogy, built on IO Interactive’s proven ability to craft immersive experiences, holds immense promise for fans and gamers alike.