Dive into "Monochrome Valentine," a captivating manga-style romance visual novel. Follow Blake N. Lawrence as he unexpectedly connects with the irrepressibly cheerful Selena. This heartwarming tale unfolds across five chapters, exploring themes of rediscovering love and overcoming past hurts. An exciting epilogue expands the story, focusing on Ashley and a mysterious convenience store acquaintance. Originally created for the 2021 Valentine's Game Jam, this visual novel boasts stunning art, engaging storytelling, and endearing characters.
Characters courtesy of Milos Tutus.
Monochrome Valentine features:
- Manga-style visuals: Immerse yourself in beautifully illustrated manga-style artwork.
- Five chapters of romance: Experience a touching story of new love and overcoming past challenges.
- Bonus epilogue: Uncover more about Ashley and the enigmatic convenience store character.
- Valentine's Game Jam creation: A romantic experience designed for the Valentine's Day Game Jam.
- Follow us on Twitter: Stay updated on news and behind-the-scenes insights.
- Talented team: Developed by a team of skilled developers, artists, musicians, and editors.
In Conclusion:
More than just your average romance app, Monochrome Valentine offers a unique and immersive experience. Its stunning manga art, heartwarming narrative, and intriguing epilogue create a captivating love story. A Valentine's Day Game Jam creation, this app promises a romantic journey from beginning to end. Download Monochrome Valentine and follow us on Twitter today!