Wasteland Shooter: Survive the Crisis. Years after a devastating radioactive apocalypse, survivors venture from their shelters to rebuild, only to discover their homeland in ruins. Mutated creatures and ruthless looters threaten every step. As an elite team, your mission is to eliminate these dangers and lead the people to rebuild their homes.
Game Features:
- Explore a post-apocalyptic world.
- Automatic fire for rapid monster and enemy takedowns!
- Choose from a vast arsenal of weapons, including the Gatling, AK47, and UZI.
- Fight alongside diverse partners (Elves, Demons, Beasts, Dinosaurs, Machines, etc.).
- Construct and fortify your base.
- Engage in roguelike battles to become a post-apocalyptic legend.
- Compete against other players in the Arena!
For the latest game news and event information, join our official community:
- Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/falloutshooter
- Official Discord: https://discord.gg/STVyH9kF85
- Developer Site: http://funqtr.com/
Version 1.0.18 Update (December 19, 2024): Beta Test