Experience the spooky charm of Frightwood, a visual novel adventure starring a group of fairy teenagers. This captivating game, originally created for the 2021 Spooktober VN Game Jam, follows their thrilling quest for a legendary Halloween treasure hidden within a mystical forest. Whether you're a seasoned fan or new to the series, Frightwood offers a standalone prequel experience, showcasing the younger years of beloved characters like Moth, Blossom, and Aleth. Download now and discover the dedication poured into this enchanting game!
Frightwood's Key Features:
- Compelling Narrative: Join the fairy teens as they navigate a thrilling adventure, uncovering the truth behind a rumored Halloween treasure – is it real, or a cunning trick?
- Magical Forest Setting: Explore the breathtaking world of Frightwood, a mystical forest brimming with hidden secrets and captivating creatures.
- Interactive Visual Novel: Immerse yourself in stunning visuals and an interactive storyline. Your choices shape the narrative and influence the outcome.
- Halloween Atmosphere: Experience the chilling spirit of Halloween in Frightwood's spooky and immersive environment.
- Standalone Prequel: Enjoy Frightwood even without prior knowledge of the series. Long-time fans will appreciate seeing familiar characters in their youth.
- Passionate Development: Frightwood is a testament to the developers' hard work and dedication, resulting in a high-quality and engaging gaming experience.
In Conclusion:
Embark on a captivating journey with Frightwood, a visually stunning visual novel brimming with mystery and adventure. Follow a group of fairy teens as they delve into the mystical forest on Halloween night, searching for a hidden treasure. Regardless of your familiarity with the series, Frightwood delivers an enthralling story, a captivating atmosphere, and player agency through meaningful choices. Download Frightwood today and experience the passion behind this thrilling Halloween treat!