Unveiling the Human Body in Stunning 3D Detail with Anatomyka!
Delve into the intricacies of human anatomy with Anatomyka, a cutting-edge 3D model showcasing over 13,000 organs, regions, and anatomical structures. Experience unparalleled detail in this world-class application, complete with over 500 pages of medical descriptions. Currently available in English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian.
Anatomyka provides comprehensive information for each anatomical system, organ, and body part, including structural details, hierarchical organization, regional information, clinical notes, related organs (vascular supply, innervation, and syntopy), and general descriptions.
Explore the complete skeletal system and general anatomy for FREE, featuring over 4,500 landmarks with simplified guides and descriptions. Unlock even deeper insights with a 5-day free trial or subscription.
FREE Features:
- Skeletal System: Detailed bone landmarks with descriptions, visualized foramina, accurate audio pronunciation, and hierarchical views. Includes an interactive map for each bone.
- General Anatomy: Explore anatomical planes, axes, and directional terms. Over 80 clearly labeled body parts and regions, organized according to medical hierarchies.
Anatomyka's Top Features:
- Learning Mode: Color-coded organs and high-resolution structures accompanied by descriptions from the "Memorix Anatomy" textbook, structured for easy understanding.
- Related Organs: View blood supply, innervation, and syntopy for most organs.
- E-Poster Gallery: Save interactive screens to your gallery.
- Styles: Choose from various themes (classic atlas, dark atlas, dark space, and cartoon style).
- Colorize: Customize organ, structure, or system colors for enhanced memorization.
- Labels: Create and pin labels to body parts, automatically highlighting names and colors – perfect for creating anatomical posters.
Additional User-Friendly Features: Zoom, rotate, scale, colorize, isolate, select, hide, and fade anatomical structures; multi-organ selection; drawing and image insertion; and a searchable "terms library."
Anatomyka is a labor of love. Your feedback is welcome! Contact us at [email protected]